Saturday, May 9th

Directed by John Landis (1978, 109 min)
Hollywood Forever Cemetery / $14
Gates at 645 / Movie at 830

Havoc rules in National Lampoon’’s breakout film, as nostalgia and cynicism are perfectly balanced by comedy maestro John Landis. Drinking, sex and rock and roll usurp academic life in this timeless story of slob versus snob. Delta is the most irresponsible, loathsome fraternity on campus, but also the most fun. When the college dean threatens to kick them out of school, they retaliate with an ingenious revenge that could only come from their brilliantly demented minds. John Belushi is pitch perfect in his greatest role: the irreverent dirtball who’’s crazy like a fox. One of the funniest movies ever made, it changed the landscape of film comedy forever. DJ Jimi Hey spins before and after the screening.